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Contrasting Christian and Mormon Eschatology (End Times)

Contrasting Christian and Mormon Eschatology (End Times)


The Second Coming of Christ

In Christian eschatology, the Second Coming of Christ is a foundational belief, characterized by the return of Christ to judge the living and the dead, leading to the final defeat of evil and the establishment of God’s eternal kingdom (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Revelation 19:11-16). This event is seen as a singular, decisive moment in history, culminating in the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1).

Mormon eschatology also teaches the Second Coming of Christ, but with additional elements unique to its beliefs. It includes prophecies about America playing a significant role in the end times, as well as events like the building of the New Jerusalem in the American continent before Christ’s return. This American-centric view is distinct from traditional Christian teachings, which do not assign a specific national or geographical focus to end-time events.


Nature of the Afterlife

Christianity traditionally teaches that after death, individuals face a final judgment and enter into an eternal state of either heaven or hell, based on their faith in Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:46, John 5:28-29). Heaven is described as eternal fellowship with God, while hell is a state of eternal separation from Him.

In contrast, Mormon eschatology presents a more complex view of the afterlife, involving multiple levels or degrees of glory. According to Mormon teachings, the afterlife is divided into three main kingdoms – the Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial – with varying degrees of glory and conditions, based on an individual’s life and adherence to Mormon teachings and ordinances. This concept significantly diverges from the traditional Christian view of a binary heaven and hell.

Role of Israel and the Gathering of the Tribes

Christian eschatology often includes interpretations of the role of Israel and the gathering of the tribes of Israel in the end times. This is generally understood symbolically or spiritually, reflecting the church’s relationship with God (Galatians 6:16, Romans 11:26).

Mormonism, however, takes a more literal approach to these concepts. It teaches a physical gathering of Israel and identifies the Latter-Day Saints as playing a key role in this gathering, which includes a significant emphasis on missionary work. Additionally, Mormon doctrine assigns a specific role to the American continent in these events, diverging from traditional Christian interpretations.


The contrasts between Christian and Mormon eschatologies are marked and significant. They encompass differing views on the Second Coming of Christ, the nature of the afterlife, and the role of Israel and the gathering of the tribes in the end times. These differences highlight the distinct theological frameworks and teachings of traditional Christianity and Mormonism.

Read More

  1. “The Case for Christ’s Resurrection” by Gary Habermas – While focused on the resurrection, this book provides insights into Christian eschatological beliefs.

This article explores the key areas of contrast in eschatological views between Christianity and Mormonism, providing insights into their distinct theological interpretations of end-time events.

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