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The Christian View on Joseph Smith and Mormonism’s Origin

The Christian View on Joseph Smith and Mormonism’s Origin


Joseph Smith’s Prophetic Claims and the Book of Mormon

From a Christian viewpoint, Joseph Smith’s claim to prophethood and the subsequent introduction of the Book of Mormon are seen as divergent from biblical Christianity. Christianity believes in the finality of biblical revelation (Revelation 22:18-19) and views the Bible as the complete and infallible Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Therefore, any new revelation or scripture, such as the Book of Mormon, is viewed with skepticism and typically regarded as outside orthodox Christian belief.

Joseph Smith’s claim of receiving direct revelation from God and angelic visitations to restore the true church is critically examined against the backdrop of biblical criteria for prophets. Deuteronomy 18:22, for example, sets a standard for testing a prophet’s authenticity, which has been a point of contention in evaluating Smith’s claims from a Christian perspective.


The Bible as the Sole Divine Revelation

Christianity holds the Bible as the sole divine revelation, the final and complete word from God. The addition of other texts, such as the Book of Mormon, is seen as contradictory to the Christian doctrine of Sola Scriptura, the belief that the Bible alone is the authoritative word of God. Galatians 1:8 warns against accepting any gospel other than what has been originally preached, a verse often cited in Christian critiques of Mormonism.

The Bible’s teachings, fulfilled prophecies, and historical reliability form the cornerstone of Christian faith. The emergence of new scriptures and revelations in the 19th century, as proposed by Joseph Smith, is thus viewed as inconsistent with the long-established Christian canon.

Historical and Doctrinal Inconsistencies

Christian critiques of Mormonism often point to historical and doctrinal inconsistencies in the origins and teachings of the Latter-Day Saint movement. For instance, the lack of archaeological evidence supporting the historical claims of the Book of Mormon, or the doctrinal shifts and changes in the LDS Church’s teachings over time, are seen as problematic.

Furthermore, the Christian approach to doctrine emphasizes consistency with the historic Christian faith, as outlined in the early creeds and councils. The significant deviations in Mormonism’s teachings about the nature of God, the concept of the Trinity, and the path to salvation are seen as departures from orthodox Christian doctrine.

Testing Prophetic Claims Against Biblical Truth

Christianity emphasizes the need to test every spirit and claim of prophethood against the truth of Scripture (1 John 4:1). This testing involves examining the doctrinal content of the prophecy, the moral character of the prophet, and the fulfillment of their predictions. By these standards, many Christians find Joseph Smith’s claims and the teachings of Mormonism inconsistent with biblical teachings.

Christians are advised to discerningly evaluate religious claims, holding them against the light of biblical truth. This discernment is based on the belief that God has sufficiently revealed Himself in the Bible, and any additional revelation must be consistent with the established scriptural canon.


In conclusion, the Christian view

on Joseph Smith and the origin of Mormonism is one of fundamental disagreement and concern. The additional scriptures and prophetic claims of Joseph Smith are seen as inconsistent with the biblical canon and the historic Christian faith. The Christian approach emphasizes the finality and sufficiency of the Bible as God’s revelation, and it holds to a rigorous standard of testing new claims and prophets against this biblical truth.

Read More

  1. “The Kingdom of the Cults” by Walter Martin – Offers a comprehensive Christian perspective on various religious movements, including a critical analysis of Mormonism.

This article provides a detailed exploration of the Christian perspective on Joseph Smith and the origins of Mormonism, highlighting key areas of doctrinal divergence and the importance of scriptural adherence in evaluating religious claims.

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