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Comparing Christian and Mormon Views on Salvation

Comparing Christian and Mormon Views on Salvation


Grace and Faith in Christian Salvation

Christianity teaches that salvation is a gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not earned by human efforts (Ephesians 2:8-9). This foundational doctrine is rooted in the belief that Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross is sufficient for the forgiveness of sins for all who believe (Romans 5:8-9). The New Testament repeatedly emphasizes that salvation is not a result of works, so that no one may boast (Ephesians 2:9), and that faith in Christ alone justifies a person before God (Galatians 2:16).

This concept of salvation underscores the unmerited favor of God towards sinners. Romans 3:23-24 states that all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory, but are justified freely by His grace. The Christian assurance of salvation is based on the steadfast promise of God and the finished work of Christ, not on human merit or achievements.


Additional Requirements in Mormon Salvation

In contrast, Mormonism teaches that while Christ’s atonement makes salvation possible, individuals must also fulfill certain requirements to attain it. These include faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion, receiving the Holy Ghost, and ongoing obedience to the laws and ordinances of the LDS Church.

This perspective is outlined in the Book of Mormon, which states that it is by grace, after all we can do, that we are saved (2 Nephi 25:23). Mormonism thus introduces a synergistic view of salvation, where grace and human effort collectively contribute to one’s salvation. This approach diverges from the Christian view of sola fide (faith alone), suggesting a conditional aspect to salvation based on adherence to specific doctrines and practices of the LDS Church.

Assurance of Salvation: Present Certainty vs. Future Hope

Christianity offers the assurance of salvation as a present reality for believers. 1 John 5:13 declares that believers can know they have eternal life. This assurance is based on faith in Christ and is not dependent on the believer’s own righteousness or ongoing works. The Christian doctrine asserts that once saved, individuals are secure in their salvation because it is God who justifies and Christ who intercedes (Romans 8:33-34).

Mormonism, however, views the assurance of salvation as a future hope, contingent on a person’s continued faithfulness and adherence to church teachings. This perspective can lead to uncertainty regarding one’s salvation status, as it depends on sustained righteous living and adherence to church ordinances.

Role of Works in Salvation

In Christianity, good works are seen as the fruit and evidence of genuine faith, not the means to obtain salvation (James 2:18). The Christian life is marked by a transformation that leads to good works, but these works are not considered contributory to salvation. They are rather the natural outflow of a life changed by Christ (Ephesians 2:10).

Mormonism, on the other hand, places a significant emphasis on works as a necessary component of salvation. It teaches that certain works, such as temple rituals and adherence to church commandments, are essential for achieving the highest level of salvation. This view aligns works alongside faith as a requirement for salvation, differing from the Christian teaching that works are a result of, not a prerequisite for, salvation.


The comparison of Christian and Mormon views on salvation reveals significant theological differences. Christianity upholds salvation as a gift of grace received through faith in Christ alone, accompanied by the assurance of salvation and the understanding of works as evidence of faith. Mormonism, in contrast, adds additional requirements for salvation and views the assurance of salvation as a future hope, contingent on ongoing righteousness and adherence to specific church ordinances.

Read More

  1. “The Cross of Christ” by John Stott – An in-depth exploration of the Christian understanding of salvation through Christ’s atonement.
  2. “Desiring God” by John Piper – Discusses the Christian life, including the role of faith and works in the context of salvation.

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