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The Ultimate Proof for Christianity – Gordon Clark

The Ultimate Proof for Christianity – Gordon Clark


Self-Attesting Nature of the Bible

Gordon Clark’s apologetic method emphasizes the self-attesting nature of the Bible as the ultimate proof for Christianity. This approach asserts that the Bible, as God’s revelation, is the highest authority and cannot be subjected to external verification. As stated in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” This divine inspiration of Scripture makes it infallible and the ultimate standard for truth.

Clark argues that any attempt to prove the Bible’s authority by appealing to human reasoning or evidence outside of Scripture is inherently flawed, as it places that reasoning or evidence above the Bible itself. This approach aligns with Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.” Thus, the acceptance of biblical authority is the starting point for true knowledge and understanding.


Rational Consistency and Logical Coherence

The rational consistency and logical coherence of Christian doctrine are key elements of Clark’s apologetic approach. Christianity provides a cohesive worldview that logically explains the nature of God, humanity, sin, redemption, and the purpose of life. Unlike other worldviews, which often contain internal contradictions, Christian doctrine is consistent with itself and with the reality we experience.

This logical coherence is seen in the doctrine of the Trinity (Matthew 28:19), the incarnation of Christ (John 1:14), and the plan of salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). Each of these core doctrines fits together in a way that is intellectually satisfying, providing answers to the deepest questions of existence and morality.

The Impossibility of the Contrary

Clark’s method also involves demonstrating the impossibility of the contrary. He argues that without the Christian worldview, rational thought, morality, and knowledge lack a solid foundation. The existence of universal, immaterial, unchanging laws of logic, for example, can only be meaningfully explained in the context of a Christian worldview that posits an unchanging, immaterial, universal God.

This line of reasoning is reflected in 1 Corinthians 1:20-21, where Paul speaks of the wisdom of the world being foolishness with God. The inability of other worldviews to provide a coherent basis for things like moral absolutes and logical consistency points to the truth of Christianity.

Faith Grounded in Revelation

Christian faith, according to Clark, is not blind but is based on the logical necessity of God’s revelation. Faith is understanding and assenting to the truth of God’s Word. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. This biblical definition of faith is not irrational; rather, it rests on the understanding that God’s revelation is the foundation of all truth.

Clark emphasizes that Christian belief is a rational response to the revelation of God in Scripture. It involves the mind as well as the heart, as seen in Matthew 22:37, where Jesus commands us to love God with all our mind, as well as our heart and soul.


The ultimate proof for Christianity, according to Gordon Clark’s apologetic method, is found in the self-attesting and infallible nature of Scripture. Christianity stands as a rational, coherent, and necessary worldview, uniquely providing answers to life’s fundamental questions.

Read More

  1. “Religion, Reason, and Revelation” by Gordon H. Clark – Clark’s own work, explaining his apologetic approach and the logical basis for Christian faith.
  2. “The Defense of the Faith” by Cornelius Van Til – Provides insight into presuppositional apologetics, a method closely related to Clark’s approach.

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