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Is Barack Obama Really a Christian?

Is Barack Obama Really a Christian?


Conflict with Traditional Biblical Teachings

Barack Obama’s profession of Christian faith is contrasted by his public stances on several key issues, which appear to diverge from traditional biblical teachings. These include his support for LGBTQ rights, his stance on abortion, and his views on critical race theory.

The Bible, in passages like Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:26-27, explicitly addresses homosexual behavior. Obama’s support for LGBTQ rights, including same-sex marriage, is seen by many traditional Christians as contradictory to these teachings.

Regarding abortion, Scriptures such as Psalm 139:13-16, which speaks of God’s knowledge and formation of an unborn child, are often cited as evidence of the sanctity of life. Obama’s pro-choice stance on abortion is viewed by some as inconsistent with these biblical values.

Critical race theory, which Obama has shown support for, is a modern ideological framework that some Christians believe conflicts with biblical teachings on unity and equality under God, as in Galatians 3:28.


Biblical Mandate to Discern by ‘Fruits’

While the Bible cautions against judgmentalism, as in Matthew 7:1, it also instructs believers to discern the authenticity of one’s faith by their actions or ‘fruits’, according to Matthew 7:16-20. This principle suggests that the beliefs and actions of an individual, particularly those in leadership or public positions, are indicators of their spiritual state and alignment with biblical principles.

In assessing Obama’s faith, the examination of his public policy decisions and statements in light of biblical teachings becomes relevant. The ‘fruits’ in this context are his actions and decisions as a public figure and how they align with or diverge from Scripture.


While Barack Obama professes to be a Christian, his positions on certain moral and social issues suggest a departure from traditional biblical teachings. The Bible’s guidance to discern others by their ‘fruits’ indicates that believers should consider the alignment of an individual’s actions with scriptural principles when assessing their faith.

Read More

  1. “The Holiness of God” by R.C. Sproul – This book offers a profound look into the nature of God’s holiness, which is foundational in understanding the biblical view of sin, forgiveness, and grace, countering the concept of indulgences.
  2. “The Gospel According to Jesus” by John MacArthur – MacArthur presents a clear, biblical understanding of salvation and lordship, challenging any notion that aligns with the practice of indulgences and emphasizing the sufficiency of Christ’s atoning work.

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