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What Does the Bible Say About Climate Change/Global Warming?

What Does the Bible Say About Climate Change/Global Warming?


Christian Stewardship and Environmental Consideration

While the Bible does not explicitly mention climate change, it provides principles of stewardship that are relevant to contemporary environmental concerns. Genesis 2:15, where God places man in the Garden of Eden to work and keep it, establishes a fundamental role for humans as caretakers of God’s creation. This role involves not only the use but also the preservation of the natural environment. It implies a responsibility to use natural resources wisely, to sustain the Earth’s health and vitality for future generations.

This biblical stewardship extends beyond mere conservation. In Psalm 24:1, the Earth is declared as belonging to the Lord, with everything in it. This ownership by God places a higher responsibility on humans to manage the environment in a way that honors God’s creation. The stewardship entrusted to humanity thus becomes a moral and spiritual duty, requiring actions that reflect a respect and care for God’s creation.

However, in the context of the current climate change discourse, there is a need for discernment. The Bible encourages wisdom and understanding in all matters of life. Proverbs 2:6 states, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” This wisdom should be applied when considering the complex issues surrounding climate change, including the motives and implications of global environmental policies.


Critical Examination of Climate Change Agenda

The global climate change agenda, often driven by international organizations, governments, and influential figures, warrants a critical examination from a Christian perspective. There is a growing concern that some of these initiatives are less about genuine environmental stewardship and more about advancing political and economic interests. These concerns are grounded in observations of how climate policies are formulated and implemented, often with little transparency or accountability.

The Bible’s teachings on truth and integrity, as exemplified in Proverbs 12:17, “He who speaks truth tells what is right,” challenge Christians to seek honesty and transparency in all matters, including environmental policies. The lack of clarity and the potential hidden agendas behind some climate change initiatives raise ethical questions.

Moreover, there is a concern that the narrative surrounding climate change is sometimes presented in a manner that induces fear and urgency, which can lead to hasty and ill-considered policies. 2 Timothy 1:7 reminds believers that “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” This spirit should guide the Christian response to climate change, promoting actions that are thoughtful, measured, and not driven by fear or panic.

The Imposition of Global Climate Policies

The imposition of global climate policies often disregards the complexities of environmental science and the diverse socio-economic contexts of different regions. There is a risk that such policies, while well-intentioned, may result in detrimental effects, particularly on developing nations and marginalized communities. This concern is rooted in the biblical principle of justice, as stated in Micah 6:8, to “act justly and to love mercy.”

The global approach to climate change frequently overlooks the sovereignty of individual nations and the right to self-determination. The Bible respects the diversity of nations and peoples, as seen in Acts 17:26, where Paul speaks of God making “every nation of men to inhabit the whole earth.” This diversity implies that environmental solutions should be adaptable and respectful of different cultural, economic, and geographical realities, rather than imposing a one-size-fits-all approach.


In conclusion, while the Bible does not specifically address climate change, its teachings on stewardship, truth, justice, and wisdom provide a framework for critically evaluating the current climate change agenda. Christians are called to approach environmental issues with discernment, recognizing the potential for political and economic interests to influence global policies, and ensuring that actions taken are truly in line with biblical principles and God’s sovereignty over creation.

Read More

  1. “Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death” by James Wanliss – This book offers a critical Christian perspective on the environmental movement, examining the scientific, economic, and theological aspects of the climate change debate.
  2. “The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship” by Calvin Beisner – Beisner explores environmental issues from a Christian viewpoint, emphasizing the importance of biblical stewardship and critiquing the contemporary environmental agenda.

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