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Does the Bible Teach Unconditional Election?

Does the Bible Teach Unconditional Election?


God’s Sovereign Choice and Predestination

The biblical doctrine of unconditional election posits that God chooses individuals for salvation based on His sovereign will and not on any foreseen faith, merit, or action on their part. This teaching is central to understanding the nature of God’s grace and sovereignty in salvation.

Scriptural Basis for Unconditional Election

The Nature of God’s Sovereign Election


The Assurance and Certainty for the Elect

Unconditional election offers assurance and certainty of salvation for those chosen by God. This assurance is rooted in the understanding that since God’s choice is not based on human actions, it is secure and unchanging.

The Security of the Elect in Scripture

Theological Implications of Unconditional Election

Unconditional election has profound theological implications for understanding the nature of salvation, human response, and God’s character.

Grace and Human Response


The doctrine of unconditional election, as taught in the Bible, emphasizes God’s sovereign and gracious choice in salvation. It assures the certainty and security of salvation for the elect and profoundly impacts our understanding of grace, faith, and God’s character.

Read More

  1. “Chosen by God” by R.C. Sproul – Provides a clear, biblical perspective on the doctrine of unconditional election.
  2. “The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination” by Loraine Boettner – Offers a comprehensive study of Reformed doctrines, including unconditional election.

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