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Should Christians Support the Nation of Israel?

Should Christians Support the Nation of Israel?


Dispensational Premillennialist Perspective on Israel

Dispensational Premillennialism holds a significant place in Christian eschatology, particularly concerning Israel. This viewpoint sees modern Israel as an essential component in End Times prophecy, as outlined in books like Daniel and Revelation. Adherents to this view often reference Scriptures such as Ezekiel 37’s “Valley of Dry Bones” and Isaiah 66:8, which they interpret as prophetic visions of Israel’s restoration in the last days.

From this perspective, the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 is viewed as a pivotal fulfillment of prophecy, signaling the nearing of End Times events. Consequently, this viewpoint advocates strong support for Israel, believing that it plays a vital role in God’s redemptive plan for humanity. This support is often seen as aligning with God’s promises to Abraham in Genesis 12:3, where He promises blessings to those who bless Israel.


Biblical Prophecy and Ethnic Jews

The interpretation of Romans 11 in the context of biblical prophecy can lead to a distinct perspective on the role of ethnic Jews rather than the modern nation-state of Israel. Romans 11 discusses the partial hardening of Israel until the “fullness of the Gentiles has come in,” and concludes with “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:25-26). This passage can be understood as referring to a significant turning of ethnic Jews to Christ, rather than focusing on the political or national entity of Israel.

This viewpoint acknowledges the spiritual heritage of the Jewish people and their unique role in God’s redemptive history, as initially chosen and called by God. However, it interprets the fulfillment of prophecies concerning Israel in terms of a large-scale spiritual revival among Jewish people worldwide, rather than the establishment or actions of a geopolitical state.

Such an interpretation aligns with the New Testament theme of God’s kingdom being not of this world and not necessarily tied to political entities or boundaries. This perspective focuses on the spiritual awakening and inclusion of ethnic Jews into the Christian faith, fulfilling the prophecies of restoration and salvation in a spiritual sense. This understanding emphasizes the continuity of God’s plan from the Old to the New Testament, where the fulfillment of promises to Israel is seen in the broader context of the global mission of the Church and the salvation of all nations, including ethnic Jews.

Pragmatic Support for Israel as a Western-aligned Nation

Apart from theological considerations, there is a pragmatic viewpoint that supports Israel based on its status as a democratic and Western-aligned nation. This perspective values Israel’s political structure, its commitment to democratic processes, and its alignment with Western values, especially in contrast to surrounding nations that often express anti-Western sentiments.

This stance emphasizes the strategic importance of Israel in the Middle East, seeing it as a key ally in promoting stability and democratic ideals in the region. The support for Israel, in this case, is based more on geopolitical and cultural alignments than on theological convictions.


The Christian approach to supporting Israel is multifaceted, incorporating Dispensational Premillennialist beliefs about Israel’s role in End Times prophecy, an alternative theological viewpoint that sees biblical prophecy fulfilled more symbolically, and pragmatic reasons related to geopolitical alignments. Understanding these diverse perspectives provides a comprehensive view of the Christian stance towards Israel.

Read More

  1. “A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times” by Kim Riddlebarger. This book provides a thorough examination of the amillennial perspective, offering insights into its biblical and theological foundations. Riddlebarger discusses key eschatological concepts and addresses common questions and misconceptions about amillennialism.
  2. “The Bible and the Future” by Anthony A. Hoekema. Hoekema’s work is a comprehensive study of biblical eschatology from an amillennial viewpoint. He explores various aspects of Christian hope, including the nature of the millennium, the second coming of Christ, and the final judgment, offering a scripturally grounded understanding of the end times.

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